Arnold Schwarzenegger is old but not obsolete. That's the subliminal tagline we get from the latest addition to the Terminator franchise. Unfortunately, we might not be able to say the same for the franchise itself.Terminator Genisys is fun, action-packed, and everything you'd want from a summer action movie. But it doesn't live up to the standard...
The character interplay in Genisys is snarky and often light-hearted. You don't get the feeling most of the time that these people are fighting for their lives, much less championing the survival of humanity.
The latest addition to the Jurassic movie franchise hit the box offices with stellar numbers and lackluster reviews. Fans and critics agree across the board that the movie is good fun with steady pacing and it breaks the (not very high) bar set by the two previous Jurassic sequels...
Regardless of lazy plot and character development, the movie is fun. The action sequences are well spaced out, and there are plenty of nods back to the original film for all the nostalgics out there. Even the plot themes smack ofJurassic Park's handling of gender issues, parental readiness, and corporate greed. All good reasons for parents from generations X and Y to introduce their children to the franchise.
For the generation of moviegoers who are unfamiliar with George Miller's post-apocalyptic masterpiece, Mad Max: Fury Road is a rip roaring, stylistic treat on wheels that doesn't stop until the very last face-ripping explosion.
For the action movie fanatic, it's two hours and change of virtually uninterrupted action sequence with visually stunning effects and some of the hottest girls on film. And for those of us who like to think during an action flick, it's got some serious underlying social criticism.