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I met Jesus at a truck stop outside of Boulder City on my way to the east coast. He looked just like any other guy except he had that look on his face like he could see right through my soul. I went right up to him, not knowing who he was, and I asked him,"Hey fella. Do you know somethin' I don't know?"

"That's a stupid question," he said. "Do you know the capital of Maine?"

"No. Not right off the top of my head."

"Well there. I guess I know something you don't."

"That's not what I meant. I-"

"Do you know how to double-clutch?"

"As a matter of fact, I do," I said

"Well I guess you know something I don't know. How do you like that?"

"Hey look," I said. "I'm sorry if I offended you in any way."

He told me I didn't offend him, even though it seemed to me like I struck a nerve. Then he asked me if my mom never taught me to think before I speak. I asked him who the hell he thought he was and he said, "I'm Jesus H. Christ, that's who!" And that just about blew me away. I asked him to prove it and he flat out said no. Then he said he knew what I meant to ask and that the answer was "yes," he knew the mysteries of the cosmos but that it wasn't going to help me none because it wasn't going to teach me how to spend more time with my family instead of burying myself in my work all the time.

I know it sounds stupid but I believed him. They always said when he came back, he'd come like a "thief in the night," and I've harbored a couple of fugitives in my time. That's why it made perfect sense to me when he asked if he could hitch a ride to Buffalo, New York. I told him I'd love to, but I was headed down south to Atlanta to drop off a load of construction material to a contracting firm starting a new project down there. He said, "Yeah, I know. I know where you're going and I know where you're going to end up. So what do ya say? You wanna take on a stowaway? You look like you could use the company."

"I guess I could use the company," I said. "Sure. Why not?" And I've been riding along with Jesus ever since.

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